reg:withdrawal of 498a case in Trial court

Querist :
(Querist) 19 December 2018
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir, my wife filed 498a case on me & on my family members in 2013 and I got exparte divorce in 2014 and 498a case is in trial at present and at last date my wife said to me infront of PP and even in front of Judge that she is going to withdraw her cases if I pay 2lakhs amount to her.So, sir if I pay the amount to her and her cases can be closed in trial court then and there itself.
Sir, please give me your valuable suggestions.
Thanking you
Vijay Raj Mahajan
(Expert) 19 December 2018
Yes that can be worked out at this stage in trial court itself but you must put condition that neither she will demand any amount in future as it will be full and final settlement of all claims of past, present and future, nor she will get the decree of divorce granted ex-parte to you set aside now or in future and for all purposes the divorce order is full and final.
If she agree to this condition in writing, you go ahead and settle the issue amicably with her.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 19 December 2018
Pls don’t post as AQ and post with your ID and you can get many responses.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number etc and don’t post these.
Before attaching any document erase all names, logo, email id, phone number, address etc to maintain confidentiality.
Obtain proper legal opinion in writing from LOCAL counsel specializing in concerned field of law.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 20 December 2018
1. What is the opinion /advice of your lawyer, whom you have already engaged and managed divorce for you ?
2. If you have lost faith in him/ her consult and engage another prudent local lawyer for proper guidance and proceeding.
3. There will be different proceedings for a case registered by lodging FIR and complaint filed u/s 200 Cr PC and taken cognizance u/s 498A IPC, your lawyer is the best person to guide.
4. An anonymous author should not expect obligation of experts as per rule of this platform.