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P.O in case of 498a

(Querist) 19 December 2018 This query is : Resolved 
In a case of 498a husband got the bail and FIR was only against him and after all efforts for bail he could not get the same even from Hc and then he surrender in district court and after all proceedings he got bail @ cost of 50K assurity. In the meanwhile he went to the jail in case of maintenance execution and and after staying in jail one month he commited to clear all dues in next date but after that he has never attended the court and declared P.O by court and on moving the application of 319 his mother also summoned ad accused and she also has not turned up and declared P.O. Now I want to know that if accused are not attending the court then what action court will take against the assurity. In case they traced out in near future then what action court will take against the accused as definitely accused will apply for bail again and what will the condition for that . Kindlt advise
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 19 December 2018
If the accused traced and arrested, they may be sent for judicial remand rather granting them bail because of their previous wrongs, court is not providing relief to person who indulge in faulting court order, that amounts to contempt of court and such person is punished for that.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 19 December 2018
You can benefit from above.
Pawan Kumar (Querist) 21 December 2018
Mr. Prasanna , your point is wrong or right this is a separate thing but your way of suggesion is absolutely have written that find some other bakra , you mean in your culture when you are getting marriage of ladies you are not looking for match rather you are finding a Bakra. This is not the language of educated advocate . Do you know how many members Re there in the family of Husband ?? Do you know that keeping in mind that he is the only earning hand in the family and then why he will decide to go to the Jail ?? Do you know the he has already gone to jail due to not giving the maintenance after that he has not attending the court ??? So pls think thrice before commenting . You are in the category of expert so pls use the soft language to help the people for which this plateform is made. There are som many other experts who are giving the reply in very decent way so pls watch tHose comments also and try to ne like them.
M V Gupta (Expert) 21 December 2018
@ Prasanna. Advocate.
Your comments are non legal and as a person who has registered himself as legal expert you are expected to provide legal answers and not un-called for and humiliating comments in reply to the query. This kind of comments undermine the reputation and utility of this forum which is intended to provide legal guidance to the people. I am constrained to make these observations on seeing the un-called for comments made by you.
M V Gupta (Expert) 21 December 2018
I did not have any comments to add to what has already been stated by the experts on legal issue. Hence I have furnished my reaction to your non legal comments which I sincerely felt necessary to bring to your notice.The querist also expressed his annoyance.
Pawan Kumar (Querist) 24 December 2018
@Prasnna...I am observed from your wordong that you need to.learn alot from others that how to reply on legal query and what words should be used in personal advise. . Instead of writing the reply of any matrimonial queries you should stay away or ignore those queries.
Regarding worrying about the country I want to tell you that there so many experts in india to take care of that.

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