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Information, guidance needed

(Querist) 18 November 2024 This query is : Resolved 
Good Evening Sir,

My Query is that " A " gifted a portion of the Property to one to one of the his son's, " B ", & built boundary wall seprating the two properties.
Revenue officials made a mistake in calculating the area to be gifted & less area extent was calculated, & this error was unnoticed.
" A " passed away & " WILLED " the remaining property to his younger son " C ", Pookuvaruva was not done.
One year down the road " C " gifted a portion of the " WILLED " Property to his younger sister (Pookuvaruva was not done).

Latter down the road " C " too passed away, his wife & kid's inherited the property. A couple of year's latter the wife & kids did the Pookuvaruva.
The error comitted earlier by the then Revenue Official's was ignored, & " Pookuvaruva " was done for lesser area extent.

Latter down the road " B's " son found out this error that a portion of the Property is still in " A's " possession, who had passed away WILLED the remaining property to his younger son.

Can the Pookuvaruva done by " C's " wife be
" CANCELLED ", as Fraud was committed by them,( B is in possession of excess property, which reverted back to " A's " possession, who had WILLED the remaining property to his younger son " C "

Would Greatly Appreciate your views & input.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks, :-) 🙏 🙏

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 18 November 2024
You have repeated the same question now itself in another thread, you may visit that thread and get the answers.

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