False cases of 498a, 377, 506, 3/4 da
(Querist) 22 August 2015
This query is : Resolved
My wife have filled false cases u/s 498A, 377, 506, 3/4 DA
will I get arrest relief from 377
how do I prove my innocence from 377
the case is under family mediation center
however my wife's family is adamant that they want to see me behind bars
pls help
M V Gupta
(Expert) 23 August 2015
U seem to have seriously misbehaved with ur wife. Engage suitable advocate to present ur case properly and also guide u during the conciliation proceedings.
Hardik Mehta
(Expert) 23 August 2015
If you have done nothing, then you dont worry. Just send the message that if you go to jail, then you will make the lives misresable for the girl. In case of 377, the police has to investigate the case and then prove the same with the medical records. If this is not done, then you are free to file cases against them.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 August 2015
Consult local lawyer and discuss in details and also get guidance / stand for family mediation center.