False dowry and rape case

(Querist) 22 May 2020
This query is : Resolved
Thanks for help. It a great platform for getting legal aid. God bless all. Thanks again for being so kind and geneous
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 May 2020
Despite of your long long unwanted and repeated facts, nothing concrete is found in the query as no case has been filed as on the date. Mere threating to lodge FIR since a long period of last 3 years is sufficeint to establish that there is little hope to face such threat. Moreover, you have sufficient documentary evidence with you to prove your innocence.
Imaginary questions have no definite replies.

(Querist) 22 May 2020
Thank you sir for your quick reply. I wanted to know that will it be troublesome if the girl herself denied marriage, then after few months said sorry, her parents felt sorry(though they later showed their real face)...once the marriage was fixed then they again moulded back to their usual cunning behaviour. Sir because the marriage has been cancelled(few months back) , hence such question has arises. Sorry for being so repetitive. Thanks
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 May 2020
I have already clarified everything in short words. There is no need to repeat the same thing again and again. I have gone through in details of your query and read every word.
Your friend need not to worry, however, it is not easy to belive that your friend and that girl lived together in live in relationship since last 14 years but without having any physical contacts. Anyways, this issue is neither forms part of your query nor I am concerned.

(Querist) 22 May 2020
Thanks sir for your valuable suggestions. They were not in live-in relationship sir. Don't want to repeat, but it was a relationship where they wanted to marry, but first girl backed out. Later boy opt out saying they weren't compatible. However girl, is insisting marriage. Boy is fearing her inconsistent mind and future troubles.
P. Venu
(Expert) 22 May 2020
The facts posted are less than convincing you yourself is the person involved, not your alleged friend.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 22 May 2020
The boy is having recording and other proofs regarding all this story. It seems he has good proofs in his favor.
Any case registered may put the other side in trouble for years till decided in his favor, but case has to be defended till that time.
Any advice is possible after actual registration of case, based on grounds on which proceeded.
Ask the boy to record all future calls, get the detail of similar cases from other side filed against others. Can be searched online or through lawyer of concerned court.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 22 May 2020
Wait and watch seems to be the advice for the boy under these circumstances.

(Querist) 22 May 2020
Thank u sir for your valuable advice and time..๐๐๐๐
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 22 May 2020
You are welcome, may revert in case of further question.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 May 2020
If your friend and the mentioned girl were neither married nor were living in relationship then what were they doing in 14 years of togetherness?

(Expert) 22 May 2020
More than all other things as per your statement it is your Friend's matter and how could you confirm the facts of what had really happened between those couple. Every one would be Right from their point of view . Better your Friend could appear here and narrate the story with out hiding any facts.

(Querist) 22 May 2020
Thanks for help. It a great platform for getting legal aid. God bless all. Thanks again for being so kind and generous.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 23 May 2020
You are welcome.
You have removed the original query without any reason, all replies are baseless without original query.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 23 May 2020
It is not good to remove the query when the same stands duly attended by various experts. If you had to pay your regards then the same might have been done by posting in the same thread.

(Expert) 23 May 2020
Query is Resolved -- Removed and Thanked and Prayed for the God's Blessings as Well. Matter Ends. Then where is the Question of any allegation --useless . Even Professional Practicing Advocates will not retain the Case Bundle once the case is completed for more than 6 month if there is any possibility of Appeal.. Either they would return it to the Client or would destroy the same
Asgher Mahdi
(Expert) 26 May 2020
Let the query come from your friend directly the forum may able reply fittingly. Any how this can defended meticulously. Better , contact lawyer near by you.