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False information by girls family before marriage

(Querist) 18 August 2018 This query is : Resolved 
My marriage happened through online matrimonial site, the girl family concealed her medical condition and given us her false detail regarding age and employment. The girl is diagnosed with Epilepsy and she is born in different month and i am not sure of her employment either but before marriage she said she is working as a govt employee.When I recovered the truth the girl’s family simply told me that if you do not accept we will put you under various cases. Now being influential they have put me under false DV case, what should I do? Girl lives with her parents in different state and we only lived as couple for 35 days only on a span of 5 months.

Now i have applied for divorce in my State, but the girl had also applied for the divorce in her State , district but after i have filed for divorce . As both divorce cases can not continue simultaneously, which divorce case will run. Do i have to inform the the girls court regarding divorce filed by me. How to do that
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 19 August 2018
No both divorce cases will run simultaneously and decided on the basis of pleadings and evidence of both parties. Either both cases decided in favor of the individual petitioner or one decided in favor of one petitioner and other one get dismissed or both divorce cases get dismissed.
Why don't you both go ahead with divorce by mutual consent rather fighting individual divorce cases against each other.
Maybe you both have lot of spare money to pay to lawyers for filling and fighting out two different cases and much of other cases filled against each other.
People like you only after spending so much on irrelevant litigation blame lawyers for looting or cheating when they seek professional fees and here in this free online website you are asking free legal advice from experts.
P. Venu (Expert) 19 August 2018
The facts posted are less than convincing. It appears that you have only disclosed part of the story. Any how, divorce through mutual consent is the best and,perhaps, the only option.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 21 August 2018
Has your own very able LOCAL senior counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in Family/civil matters and well versed with LOCAL applicable rules/laws, precedences, citations …. and worth his/her salt , opined to let other other spouse file for divorce and accept if other spouse has filed for divorce!
There are able counsels at each location.
Check for resuch counsels at LOCAL Family/civil courts, HC, SC…
Kumar Doab (Expert) 21 August 2018
The court shall send the summons.
The family of other spouse did what they wanted to do.
Now everything depends upon evidence and how a party convinces the court.
Or explore the possibility of saving the marriage and remain together in wedlock or recourse thru MCD..and end the troubled wedlock and focus on your future or let the cases that are filed be decided on merits..

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