Fight against wife's cruelty and blackmailing for money demand by her family member-
(Querist) 02 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir/ Madam,
i am 30 years old men living in delhi in my perantal house, i had got arranged married since 1994, i have two child, both are boy,
my parents had arranged my marriage without any dowry demand, their feeling was that girls belong poor family will understand the morals and will care the father and mother in law, but after three years, my wifes's father has started the asking the money help, because i also belongs to middle class family, i was not in situation to fulfil his demand, her father has started to threaten to me and our family by stating that he will file 498a, 323, and other criminal section against our family,
in.2009, her father has send a message to our family that he is sick, so my father had gone to his house in kanpur with my wife and my two child, after reaching there is was found that every thing is ok, when my has asked to my wife's father to come back to delhi with my wife and my children, he started to shout on my father and started the fighting with my family members and called the police, police had done compromised to both parties and my father came back to delhi without my wifes and children, her father has refused to send my wife and children with my father, after seven days from this, her father has filled section 125 against me, but we were not aware from this and try many times to take back my wife and my children, after 1 year, it comes to our notice that her father had filled a case of sec.125 for maintenance in kanpur court,
then we have filled section 9 of hindu marriage act, but he denied to send my wife and clildren, after 2 years, when he saw that he was not able to take any money from us, he send my wife with compromise in sec 9 at the court in july, 2011, after three month living with me, when we go to attend the date at the court in sec 9 case in farrukhabad in u.p, her father has again started abusing to our family, and my wife has also shouted loudly that our family member has beaten her and filled a FIR under sec-498A,323, 506 etc in women police station in dec-2011, but after councelling by some gentlemen, again he filled compromise in the police station and now my wife and my children is with me but my wife again has started to threat to me and our family by saying that 'he will go to her parents and i can't do nothing, she will do every thing but i can't do nothing and started to demand a five lac otherwise she will again file any case or do any drama, sir, me and our family members are very depressed and not able to understand what we do? pls. suggest, this is totally blackmailing by my wife and her father, both are abusing to me and my family, my father is very depress and cry when he alone, can i file the divorce case??? could my wife take share in my our parents's property after filling the divorce case?? is there any provision in my favour??
pls suggest, i m very depressed.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 02 May 2012
dont bow down to blackmail tactics . fight 498 a case and other cases filed by wife .
in alternative give her option of divorce by mutual consent .
start staying separately from parents in rented house
if you are bale to prove 498 a case is false and you are acquited ground for divorce
(Expert) 02 May 2012
very unusual problem, is everything described is true? Or this is for ur defence only? Any way if u r true you should go for divorce before filing a case by your wife against u under Section 498 A . So pl consult local civil lawyer as soon as possible. If file the divorce before filing a 498 A by wife. It that situation in the criminal case you may defend your self on the groud that as u filed the divorce case your wife has filed a false case to compell you to wihdrow the divorce case. You should think about it.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 04 May 2012
Nothing unusual.
Join and start attending local meetings of SIFF in Delhi.
Shonee Kapoor