Formation of societyand builders commitments

Querist :
(Querist) 26 December 2009
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir,
I would like to seek advice on the following queries regarding property from your panel of experts. We are residing in a new housing scheme in Pune having six buildings of four floors consisting of 32 flats in each building ie total 192 flats with amenities like parking, park, temple, gas pipe line, lift,inverter back up,Gym,comunity hall, etc. Now all the flat owners have taken the possession and builder has to form the society.Kindly give the advice and the expert openion on the following points.
1 Under which act society has to be formed since we want our right on
the land and other amenities provided on the said land.
2 Whether the society of individual building or whole scheme of six buildings jointly or one main society with sub societies of six buildings under the main society is advisable.
3 Whether the builder can keep his control over the temple and form a trust under his chairmanship or has to handover to society.
4 whether the builder has to hand over community hall and gym to the society or can keep under his control.
5 Whether the builder has to handover all the one time maintenance
amount taken by him in advance to the society with interest. What
amount he can deduct from the said amount while handing over
the same to the society.
6 Whether the builder is responsible or not for, to see that all the flat owners are getting sufficient water supply before formation of the society.
7 Can builder keep any right over any property of the housing scheme.
8 Which other things the flat owners have to see before the formation of the society to avoid disputes in future and any other advice they feel suitable for the benefit of flat owners.
Thanks and regards.