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Fraud done by me

(Querist) 16 April 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Dear all Experts,

I really beg your expartise advise on the matter of fraud conducted by me. I am working with one of the Pvt Bank of India. As i belongs to sales field and we people from sales usually remain under immence pressure from our bosses for business and performance.
I have signed my customer's signature on the application of demand draft and taken out the demand draft on the favour of one of the investment company and submitted the application form of that investment product again signed by me along with that draft to the invest company. The investment has done on the name of that customer only.
Some days later he have received all the document relating to that investment to his residence and call me at his home. I convence him that falsely that this by system error that this document has reached to you and took all the document and destroy it but i was not knowing that customer has taken out the photo copy of that document. now he came to know each and every thing and he is doing police complaint against me.

Can you pls advis ehow can i get out of all this as i my self tried to convence him but he not aggreed and now my boss is also not with me.

Pls help me.

Thanks and regards
Rasik Dagli (Expert) 16 April 2010
You have done a great wrong and you do not deserve any advice. However, you try to compromise with the person to whom you have cheated. Try to compensate him for the loss suffered by him. If you can not settle the matter, you may have to face serious consequences. Also make a point that you will not do such things in future.
R.R. KRISHNAA (Expert) 16 April 2010
I suggest you to meet your boss and the client and inform them the truth and admit your guilty openly. Try to compensate the loss suffered by the client as rightly advised by Mr. Rasik Dagli.
Parthasarathi Loganathan (Expert) 16 April 2010
One should understand that LCI is not a forum to seek legal advise in case of intentional commission of fraudulent act.
niranjan (Expert) 16 April 2010
Pay the amount to the customer and get converted that investment in your name.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 April 2010
The opinion of krishana is correct.
Thyagarajan (Expert) 25 May 2010
Now that your boss know what you did, even taking for granted that the customer will be satisfied with you if you return the money to him, you better leave your job and plead with your boss not to initiate any criminal action. But now that the Lawyers club has come to know any one can take you to court. Even God will not be quite.

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