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Government demanding bond for superspeciality

(Querist) 15 August 2015 This query is : Resolved 
dear sir,
my son was selected on merit for Mch plastic surgery in MMC tamil nadu(non service).The government is asking to execute a bond for five years after completion of the Mch course to work in govt service with salary on par with any fresh recruits (equvalent to MBBS) they insist to deposit the MS degree certificate and all other certificates including 10th mark list. They also ask three surities to sign the bond one from spouse another by parent and another by non blood relative.They also insist in providing copy of propery equivalent to the bond amount. The bond is for 25 lakhs.In case if the candidate does not want to work they demand 25 lakhs along with stipend amount received with interest. Is it under law to hold students selected on merit as bonded LABOURS..In fact government hospitals are functioning mainly on pgs hard work. how could the impose such slavery rules when on one hand government is all againt bonded labour. is this kind of bonded education exists in any other streams of education such as engineeering, law etc.Do any other sreams of education students work and help in running of the insitution? Moreover when there is a government ruling that cerificates should not be withheld , how can GOVT add these terms in the bond? does is not tenamount to disrespecting court's verdict?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 16 August 2015
Repeated at:
Kumar Doab (Expert) 16 August 2015
Anirudh (Expert) 16 August 2015
Dear Dr. Manohar,
Pl. make it clear whether these conditions were mentioned in the prospectus or not.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 16 August 2015
repeated query.
Guest (Expert) 16 August 2015
No Reply 2AQ
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 August 2015
No reply if query repeated.

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