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(Querist) 22 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I am GPA holder of a agricultural land which is regd. with sub registrar and irrivocable & stampduty of a sale deed (i.e. about 8%) has paid for the GPA. Agreement to sale,will,reciept,affidavit are also executed with that G.P.A.which are un registered
I want to know whether the Executant can cancel the G.P.A. or not, is that GPA is valid transfer of property.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 22 December 2009
If GPA contains the term of right to sale then definitely you can do so. before cancellation, executant shall give you prior notice but he has right to cancel GPA.
N RAMESH. (Expert) 23 December 2009
I agree with Mr.Makkadji
niranjan (Expert) 23 December 2009
Irrevocable power of attorney goes with the consideration,and the person who has given power cannot cancel it without returning the money that he has obtained.If the seller tries to cancel the sale agreement then file the suit for specific performance.since you have paid the full consideration on sale agreement,itis just sale deed,but you have not mentioned about the possession,so if possession is not given file the suit.

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