Gran daughters rights on gf & gm properrties, and rti act 2005
(Querist) 22 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Gf=Grand Father, GM=Grand Mother
Dear legal experts,
I am married women aged 34 years. I Have filed a parttion suit in our 36 acers of land & sites praying court for 1/3 share in my grand mother & grand father properties.We are only two daughters no sons to my father.Now court has given us an injection order " stating that not to alienate the suit properties to any body " till disposal of the suit.Now my defenders ( my Father & sisters) are selling the site properties( more then 50 sites) to third parties by making a notary sale agreements.
My question is sir
1.These Notary lawyer will come under RTI Act 2005,so that i can collect sale agreements documents for further action.
2.I have a right on GF & GM properties or not.
Please i request you all expertsx replay me to win the case.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 23 June 2012
If the properties are ancestral you have the right to it.
However for RTI, what information you want to get from the said office.
Shonee Kapoor
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 23 June 2012
In any case Notarized sale agreement does not mean anything. You should send the court order to the sub-registrar of properties in the area.
Shonee Kapoor