Querist :
(Querist) 04 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
Hi All,
A limited Company G.M. Marketing serve more than ten years service but company not issue any appointment letter or rule and regulation regarding G.M. Marketing gratuity.As per law G. M. Marketing entitled Gratuity or not.
Arul Kumar
(Expert) 04 November 2009
For entitlement of Gratuity the designation is not the necessary criteria. You have to check up with the Company whether they are following any type of Gratuity Schemes. If so, like other employees, he is also entitle for Gratuity. The other requirment is certainty of his appointment, confirmation of job and other official record such as Attendance Register, Salary Register, etc. to prove his services in the company in case of dispute by the Company on his employment in the company.