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Harassment by member of a company

(Querist) 21 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
A member in a sec 25 company keeps on sending letters(relating to the annual report and the functioning powers of the Board) and had also filed a comlaint with the ROC against the companies directors and its functioning....the solicitore replied and reiterated time and again and asked him to excercise his right as per the AOA and come and inspect all the documents with a prior appointment during working hours.he has further gone and sent another set of letters repeting the same thing that he wants all the explanation related to accounts etc in writing.
Is there any provision under the Companies Act or other Acts through which we can restrain him to harassing the Sec 25 Company and its directors?
sagar madan (Querist) 21 October 2008
Another Query

1.What are the relevant laws/rules and regulations applicable to Redevelopment in the state of Maharashtra?

2. What is the step by step procedure for a redevelopment of co-op housing Society(what legal permissions are required and from whom?)
sagar madan (Querist) 21 October 2008
PLease reply soon
Manish Singh (Expert) 23 October 2008
Redevelopment of a society is looked after by the Development authorities LIKE MHADA. Redevelopment is allowed under the DC Regulations of 33(6), (7), (9) & (10) in Mumbai.
Manish Singh (Expert) 23 October 2008
THE MEMBER IS NOT MAKING ANY HARASMENT BUT HE IS JUST EXCERCISING HIS RIGHTS UNDER THE ARTICLES OF THE COMPANY WHICH WERE FRAMED BY YOU all MEMBERS. now amend the AoA in this effect. even a member has a right to inspect the files and documents under the Act but with some restrictions.
make sure you are not goinfg against the act.
sagar madan (Querist) 24 October 2008
thanks all

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