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House tax registration & payment in up

(Querist) 05 August 2016 This query is : Resolved 
I have purchased a flat out of 12 flats constructed by the private builder on one plot purchased from the allotee of UP Housing Board. Registry of plot is still in the name of original allotee of Board and sale deeds of all 12 flats executed by builder have also not been registered in the names of buyers including myself. I want to know what is the procedure to get the flat registered in my name and other buyers and to pay house tax to UP Nagar Nigam???
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 06 August 2016
How the build could construct the flats without agreement between the original allottee? Whether development agreement-cum- power of attorney is registered in favour of the builder by the original allottee? In the absence of the above, how the builder could construct flats in that plot and enter sale agreements with you? It appears you have not given full facts. Please verify and come back.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 06 August 2016
Ask the builder to get the sale deed registered in your name directly as you have purchased the property. If builder does not agree, the property would be registered in the name of original purchaser first.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 07 August 2016
I agree with expert advise of Mr. Rajendra K Goyal.

Did you seek clarification from UP Housing Board ? Whether the Board has out rightly sold or leased out the plot/house to allottee? Seek a copy of allotment from builder.

It is responsibility of builder to get the sale deed registered in favour of buyer(s) endorsing non-encumbrance clause.

Payment of house tax to municipality (nigam) has little concern with title of the property.

Pradeep Garg (Querist) 07 August 2016
UP housing Board has alloted plots to individual persons as outright sale. Construction of Flats is not permitted but the builder has purchased many such plots, constructed flats and sold out. even the map has not been approved by the housing board or development authority. Is there any procedure to set the title of flats right in the name of buyers who have only registered sale deeds in their hand?? Sale deed shows that builder has right to construct flats n sell on the plot with property photo.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 07 August 2016
The construction and sale of flats is invalid, unauthorised and illegal.
You should inform Housing Board and municipality.

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