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If witness of will not found

(Querist) 10 November 2011 This query is : Resolved 
I have applied CMA for Probate of Will, Process mostly completed like Legal Notice in Press, etc. Now Judge demands the affidavits of the witness.. But the Witness are depart from the city and living other city. I dont know where they r living and in which city in india they live....So which type of affidavit will be place by me under which provision of law?
Advocate Rajiv Mishra (Expert) 10 November 2011
the will has 2 be proved by atleast one attesting witess b4 the court, if both witness could not found the scriber of the will should be tested.
Guest (Expert) 10 November 2011
the scribe and the another person who signed as witness is enough to prove the will.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 10 November 2011
I agree with Rajiv and Ganesan
Piyush Vaishnava (Expert) 11 November 2011
yes, i do agreed experts query reply

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