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In a lease deed boundaries are not mentioned.

(Querist) 19 March 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts of the forum,
In a lease deed (Inam Land) my Grand Father did not mentioned boundaries and the extent of the land; which was leased (for aa chandrarkam, permanent lease) to a person Mr.'X' in the year 1935, but only some land marks are mentioned. But,after the death of Mr.'X' his wife leased the same land in the year 1948,to a person Mr.'Y', clearly stating that this land was obtained from my Grand Father on lease. And this lease deed contains the extent of the land and its boundaries clearly.
My grand Father gave only Ac 7 07 gts, out of Ac 49 38 gts. The case is going on for last 45 years. some times we won ,some times they manged in the different forums.
The problem we are facing is our grand Fathers lease deed; where extent and boundaries are not mentioned only land marks are given.

Please ,Please suggest me a way out for this problem, for which act i will be ever thankful to YOU and the FORUM.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 20 March 2015
Complete case file is required to be perused before forming proper opinion, however, what does your lawyer advise? Presumably this query has been posted to cross-check your lawyer, isn't it?
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 20 March 2015
you have been fighting the case for last 45 years and seeking advice here by giving few facts. This will not help you. The entire case file along with the copies of judgements is to be seen for tendering any advice.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 March 2015
In the case file there must have gathered nearly a Kg. or more of papers, it is not possible to advise without referring all. Consult your lawyer and show him all the documents.
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 March 2015
agree with experts
sivakumar.k (Expert) 20 March 2015
nobdy can give better advise than ur advocate, if u are having doubt regarding the case u please ask your advocate
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 20 March 2015
The incomplete or insufficient information given by you seeking opinion here will fetch you misguiding advises, hence it is better log on to your own lawyer who has been dealing the case for more than four decades for all and sundry clarifications too.
Biswanath Roy (Expert) 24 March 2015
SURPRISING! This is not a sane query after 45 years combating in the Court. Mind it Experts are not God.

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