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Intentionally non performing employees

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 17 September 2018 This query is : Open 
Dear Sir,
Nice to read about the Knowledge you have shared.
Why not any one of you is finding out and writing up an article on:
"Intentionally Non-Performing Employees Case"
Now, Don't tell that you have never heard of such employees.
The question is when these kind of employees threat to be going to the labour commission or consumer court, what are the rights of a company?
If the Company is not paying such employees, then why does that becomes an offense. Such Employees keep switching the companies in 1-6 months duration. They keep enjoying the the tag of being employed until they are caught not-working.
When caught, they say they were not sure whether the company will operate or not and whether their clients will get the services properly or not. So, they did not get the clients.

What do you legally suggest in such cases, a company must do?
Especially, such cases arises with the sales people.
These days, employees try to be more bigger and smarter than the company, where as it is very simple "Employees bring revenue for the company and from that revenue the salaries and other benefits, perks and expenses are taken care of"
Or is it written some where that employees can decide to be non-performing and piss down the company for the payments.
I hope you know, that it takes some time to understand whether the zero or lowered down performance is intentional non-performance or it is just not happening. In such cases, company seeks time either by delaying the salaries of such doubtful employees or some other practices.
But later on the same non-performing employees, start creating the ruckus by spreading negativity amongst other employees, clients and also start threatening the company with the help of "lawyers"

What remedies and solutions do you suggest in legal terms against such employees.
Because it is very simple, if a growing company gets 10 sales employees every month who are intentionally not performing. So, keep paying their salaries leads to losses to the company as well the company fails to reward the actually performing employees.

Waiting for your Reply
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 18 September 2018
Perfomance incentives could be offered besides fixing targets. Strategies for better utilisation of man power could be resorted to bringing in resource personnel.

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