Land from Harijan

Querist :
(Querist) 16 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
Respected Experts,
4 years back my parents had purchased 2200sq ft. Of land from a harijan who had given a power of attorney to a General caste person. Now that we got to know about the land law that we cannot purchase a land from harijans without taking permission from district magistrate, we are bit worried.We dont want to sell that land because that is the only property we have.We are planning to build a home for us in near future.What can we do to make sure that tomorrow if that harijan guy comes back saying he was forced to sell the land.please advice

Querist :
(Querist) 16 January 2014
The land is in lucknow
ajay sethi
(Expert) 16 January 2014
anonymous queries are not replied to by experts

(Expert) 16 January 2014
Since the POA is a general caste person you need not worry much.Consult a local lawyer in lucknow it is not a unique problem.