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Leave and licence agreement

(Querist) 04 April 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir

Is it advisable to enter into an agreement with a tenant for 11 months rental agreement in 20 Rs stamp paper and fresh agreement after 11 months for further period of 11 months.
Is is required for registering the same in court.The property belongs to a Govt. employee.

Thanking you

Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 04 April 2012
It is a state subject.

Please consult a local lawyer.


Shonee Kapoor
Anil Kulkarni (Expert) 04 April 2012
Yes , one needs to enter into an agreement with the tenant. The value of stamp paper depends upon the state. In Maharashtra, the agreements needs to be made on Rs. 100 stamp paper. The registration should be made with the authority under the rent act by paying the requisite fees.
Anil Kulkarni (Expert) 04 April 2012
In additiona to my earlier mail, please note that whether the property is owned by a Government Servant or otherwise makes not difference.
Deepak Nair (Expert) 04 April 2012
Agreement for 11 months for leave and license is valid. But, it is better to register the same.

Any way, there is a practice of notarising the 11 month agreement.

Please confirm whether Rs.20 stamp paper is valid in your state or not.
ajay sethi (Expert) 04 April 2012
registartion of leave and licence agreement is compuklsory in maharashtra . get it drfted by a lawyer , duly stamped ad regsitered
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 04 April 2012
Yes normal course in lease agreement is made in 20 rs sp and certified by notery. But reg of the same more authendical
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 04 April 2012
The registration of document law in Maharashtra has made it compulsory to register the Leave & License agreement, the stamp duty and registrations fees are mandatory, and vary according to the amounts involved. It applies to all, including Government employees.
However, if your property is not in Maharashtra state, please take advise from local lawyers.
Kishor Mehta
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 04 April 2012
I have nothing to add in the wise advice of mehta.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 04 April 2012
It shd be on 500/- rs stamp paper min, and must be registered, in mah state LL Agr.

Rent do not need renewal after 11 months, so it is LL.

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