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Min Wage - Kolkatta

(Querist) 28 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Can any one help with the latest min wage notification for West Bengal.
Guest (Expert) 28 July 2008
West Bengal

West Bengal: Minimum Wages w.e.f. April 7, 2008 Sr. No. Scheduled Employment Area Covered Category of workers
Skilled Semi-Skilled Un-Skilled
Total Minimum Wages Total Minimum Wages Total Minimum Wages
(In Rupees Per Day)
1 Agriculture (a) Adult:-Without Meal WB - - 74.33
With two meals WB - - 71.13
2 Bakery WB - - 118.86
3 Bell Metal and Brass Industry WB 123.15 120.85 118.54
4 Beedi Leaf Plucking WB 81.50 79.92 78.00
5 Bone Meal Industry CAL 105.24 104.24 103.81
6 Bricks Manufacturing - Without Firewood & Accommodation CAL 133.54 125.85 122.00
7 Ceramic Industry CAL 119.12 117.00 115.77
8 Chakki Mills CAL - 117.23 118.69
9 Cigarette Manufacturing - Rates are now governed by agreement
10 Cinema (a) Cinema House Exhibition CH 94.20 91.40 90.76
(b) Production Side WB 93.80 92.28 90.76
(c) Distribution Units WB 93.40 94.20 90.76
11 Construction & Maintenance of Road or building operation. Zone A 126.85 113.15 110.21
Zone B 115.11 110.16 109.17
12 Cinchona WB - - 92.92
13 Clinical Nursing Home - Rates fixed under labour department notification
14 Dal Mills CAL 125.04 123.12 121.19
15 Decoration WB 81.91 80.16 78.49
16 Commercial Establishments other than shops WB 125.88 122.46 120.77
17 Fishery WB - - 77.50
18 Flour Mills WB 113.00 112.81 111.85
19 Forestry and Timber Operations (a) Adult WB - - 79.31
(b) Child WB - - 60.20
20 Glass Industry WB 118.31 116.38 115.62
21 Godown WB Zone (A) - - 110.23
WB Zone (B) - - 109.19
22 Guards of security agencies - - - 113.81
23 Handloom WB - - 81.92
24 Hosiery Industry CAL 130.27 128.35 126.42
25 Hotels and Restaurants - Rates fixed under labour department notification
26 Iron Foundry CAL 127.35 124.27 123.12
27 Lac Manufactory WB 82.65 80.73 79.81
28 Local Authorities - Rates are now regulated by local Self-Government department
29 Medicinal Plant other than Cinchona WB - - 92.92
30 Oil Mills CAL 125.31 124.35 123.38
31 Paints and Chemicals Factories WB 124.92 122.92 119.96
32 Paper Board and Straw Board manufacturing Industry CAL 101.14 99.34 98.30
33 Paper Board and Straw Board manufacturing Industry - Sun dry process - 76.69 75.31 74.54
34 Plastic Industry CAL 119.12 116.85 115.77
35 Plywood Industry WB 114.08 112.15 110.23
36 Powerloom (less than 10 workmen) CAL 118.92 118.15 117.77
37 Powerloom (more than 10 workmen) CAL 118.92 118.15 117.77
38 Printing Press CAL 86.84 86.07 71.90
39 Refractory Industry WB 114.12 111.81 109.50
40 Rice Mills WB 58.51 58.16 57.01
41 Rope Industry WB 124.92 122.54 120.12
42 Rubber Product CAL 117.77 116.77 116.35
43 Salt Manufacturing Industry 89.08 87.08 84.77
44 Sales Promotion in medicine WB 160.54 141.31 -
45 Saw Mills CAL 121.46 119.19 116.88
46 Sericulture nursery and cultivation WB - - 81.92
47 Shoes making Industry WB 123.12 120.81 118.46
48 Silk Printing CAL 116.96 114.81 113.85
49 Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing CAL 107.26 106.88 106.57
50 Tailoring Industry CAL 117.65 116.65 116.23
51 Tea Plantation - Rates are now governed by agreement
52 Tanneries and Leather Manufacturing CAL 132.19 126.42 122.58
53 Tobacco Godown WB - - 78.96

CAL: Indicates Rates Prescribed on Kolkata, North 24P & South 24P only Rates are different in Other Districts.
CH: Indicates Rates Prescribed in Kolkata and Howrah Municipal Corporation, Rates are Different in Other Areas.
Zone A : Calcutta & Howrah Corporation, Municipal Areas, Notified Areas and Farakka, Dankuni, Mejia, Kolaghat, Santhaldhi Thermal Power Plant areas and National Thermal Power Projects.
Zone B : Rest of West Bengal.

Sr. No. Scheduled Employment Category of Workers Area Total Wages
(In Rupees Per Day)
1 Public Motor Transport Cleaner & Lorry Coolies West Bengal 138.05
Fitters & Time-Keepers 140.40
Drivers & Mechanics 143.13
2 Shops Helper, Weighman, Peon, Durban West Bengal 114.97
Salesman 116.31
Accountant & Cashier 11

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