Mother Right in the Property of Father
Mahadeo Gawas
(Querist) 04 December 2009
This query is : Resolved
With reference to my earlier question.
I wish to know what I have to do in absence of Marriage Certificate and Birth Certificat of my mother. My father expired in 1993.
Whether I can file under mudkar act. My house is registered in the my father name. What are the document I have to gather to file the suit.
Whether I can file Suit in my name under mundkar act and I can file suit in the name of my mother as dauther share in the the father propert simultaniouly.
I am resident of Goa, my father has married app. 40 years ago. That time perople were not use to registere the mariages. I got valid ration card and my house is registered.
What I have to do in such situation.
I come to know that my mothere brother has got Power of Attorney. Whether such Power of Attonery is valid since my mothers father is expired in 1998 without making any will.
Let me know your valudable reply/advice/guidance.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 04 December 2009
Power of attorney after death is nil so your maternal grandfather can do nothing on that score. You cannot file any suit rather it is your mother who can agitate in the property left by her father.
Better you engage a local lawyer and follow his instructions rather raising quarries in this form on daily basis. I think you have raised this quarry for the fifth time.