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My portion of land sold by my cousin

(Querist) 30 June 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir ,i respectfully submit my problem as below:
1. My Grand Father (GF) purchased 4 acres on simple white paper in 1970s.
2. In 1989 ,after death of my Father and Grand Father, my fraternal uncle (younger brother of my Father) approached the Hourable court and obtained perceptual in junction order for that four acres.
3. But my uncle deceitfully mentioned the boundaries so that his portion of 2 acres land having easement of NH-9 and our portion of 2 acres land without easement and adjacent to him. which is quiet wrong. These four acres are distributed by Grand father as alternatively from NH_9 i.e. 1 acre Uncle's and other one our's and third one uncle's and fourth acre is our's.Since date of purchase till to day we are cultivating and giving to lease and enjoying and on possession.
4. In 2019-10 it came to know that deception.Because as a Kartha of our family my uncle kept our documents with him only.In 2019-10 we sold two acres to M/s Jasper Industries. That time we all brothers arrived to one peacefull conclusion & our own brothers partitioned our two acres as per possession and accordingly I get registered my portion of land. My younger brother and my cousin sold their respective portions.
5. In 2016 , another party has come to purchase the remained 2 acres and we all decided to sell them .Accordingly prepared sale agreement.Mean time i have posted to Maharastra. My cousin requested that since i am only loosing the half acre of land in NH-9 expansion. and we have our portions in alternative positions.It is inconvenient to cultivate. It could be better if we all turn to facing to the NH-9, all of our portions of land will get easement .On individual choice we can sell or enjoy.
6. So I have agreed and accordingly we have made agreement on white paper in which he agreed to give compensation paid by Govt for loss of land in NH-9 road expansion..We also accepted to bear the loss of land gone in NH-9 expansion.
7. After this agreement we called that party who is willing to purchase. and made agreement on bond paper in which we categorically and clearly mentioned boundaries of our portions of land of every individual. All legal heirs signed and scanned and mailed to me for my signature.All i.e. my cousin and my own younger brother and legal heirs have taken advance or 1/4th amount of total amount.I have requested them to deposit in my A/C through cheque. After repeatedly requesting also not deposited.But they are forcing me to sign on mailed agreement. But in that agreement it is clearly mentioned that 1/4th amount is paid by cash/DD/cheque. But they have not paid to me in any mode.
8. SoI have not signed. Since they signed and taken 1/4th amount they are accepted to sell their portion of land.They should sell accordingly.
9. But they sold as per old boundaries so that my portion of land having no easement. by showing the court decree in which boundaries were mentioned deceitfully.
10. In view of above I have approached the hounarable Junior Civil Court under jurisdiction of the land in my village for Injunction order.
11. They have submitted the reply to Honourable court's summons by showing my portion of land is third one i.e. adjacent to cousin's land.
12. In these circumstances can I get justice. Can I get justice as per my registered portion of land. Shall Honorable court will consider that the finally agreed boundaries are to be followed by all stake holders.
13. Respected sir/Madam, in my previous querry you have abosutely adviced for my Temporary duty case. Now that case peacefully resoled without any punishment. My Department also agreed with your advice.
14 So I have a increased faith on your jury and I have faith on God of Almighty that just will get justice.
15 For any clarification, please contact to 9603083968( whatsapp) and 9110569186.
16. Thank you very much sirs and madams.
P. Venu (Expert) 01 July 2018
Please post simple facts.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 02 July 2018
Please post Simple facts
Plot NO 119,FLAT NO. 8 Bapuji (Querist) 02 July 2018
My portion of land sold by my cousin:Respected sir , first of all I thank sir and Madam for quick reply.
1. My cousin sold my portion of registered land which is inherited from forefathers.He sold my portion of land and kept his portion of land for me by violating latest agreements. So I approached Honorable court for justice. I have filed OS 133/17 in Junior Civil Court situated in Kodad (mandal), Suryapet (Dist) in Telangana state.
2. My problem is that which is my portion of land?,where is my portion of land? what criteria to fix the boundaries of my portion of land?. Tehsildar and RDO advised to approach the court for fixation of boundaries.
3. My argument is that my portion of land is second bit from NH-9.My cousin says third bit is mine.
4. As per latest agreement , we all agreed to in faced to NH-9 so that every stake holder get easement of NH-9. My problem is which one court will consider. Shall court consider latest agreement in which we all are getting easement?
5. For quick resolution/disposal of case , what shall I do?
6. Can I write letter to Honorable Judge for disposal/resolve the issue.
7. Please guide me. Iam very thank full for your attention.

Plot NO 119,FLAT NO. 8 Bapuji (Querist) 02 July 2018
Respected sir, I respectfully submit my problem with Department is as bellow:-

1. I am working as a AE (QA) in SQAE(A) Varangaon, Jalgaon (Dist) which is under DGQA, Ministry of defence. As per Govt Policy/Order it is hard station wherein employ shall work compulsory for three years only, after which individual can get transfer to his preferred/choice station.
2. DGQA has issued a new transfer policy on 24 Nov 2016. with major changes in existing policy.
3. Major change is a Group ‘B’ officer will be transferred after 05 to 07 years in soft station and 03 years in hard station. Earlier it was 10 years in soft station.
4. Against this DGQA policy, almost 90 officers group from Pune approached to Honorable court (CAT Mumbai). Honorable Court was issued a stay order on 25 May 2017. The court ordered in its stay that “ till the final order applicants will not be transferred.
5. On 15 July 2017, DGQA has issued a posting order of the officers due on 01st July 2017 including these applicants. But applicants already taken stay order was not moved out and officers not approached the court were moved their new stations.
6. I am working in hard station at SQAE (A) Varangaon and completed 05 Years. My transfer order was issued on the above posting order by DGQA. But shown against a person Shri. AV Choudhuri AE (QA), who was a member of the above group. He was already got stay order for his movement.
7. With repeated requests from my side to rectify the order to allot me a clear vacancy at Pune station ,is not considered by the department. Mean while department has allotted a clear vacancy at Pune to another person Shri. CS Ghorpode AE(QA) whose transfer is also shown against a person who was also member of the above group. And his movement also in subjudice. Mr. CS Ghorpode was one year junior than me in this hard station.
8. Now in the year 2018-19 again DGQA has ordered a posting order where the officers just completed 03 years in this hard station are allotted clear existing vacancy. My transfer is kept as it was.
9. I have denied the natural justice by DGQA because of my name of transfer posting is shown against a person who was taken stay order before issue of his posting order.
10. I can get a transfer if a clear vacancy is allotted to me. But department has not implemented the posting order of 17-18 & as it is and treating the posting order is implemented. How my transfer order get implemented.
11. Am I not eligible to get clear/ retirement vacancy? where in my juniors got it. Can I get justice if I approach Honarable court or Shall I approach the Honarable court to lift the stay order so that Shri. AV Choudhury will be moved out and subsequently I can be joined in his vacancy in Pune .
12. Please guide me.
krishna mohan (Expert) 04 July 2018
Regarding the land dispute, since matter is subjudice you need to wait for the out come. But provide all supporting evidences to your lawyer to defend your case effectively to get due justice in your favour.
Plot NO 119,FLAT NO. 8 Bapuji (Querist) 05 July 2018
Respected sir, I and my family heart fully thankful to you for your valuable advice sirs.We have handed over the all requisite and necessary documents to our Advocate. As per as your opinion is concerned, whether Honorable court will consider my unregistered documents/agreements/evidences as proofs in support of mine.chances/probability to win in favor . Based up on available evidences ,court will consider my portion of land is second bit.

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