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Noc, technical resignation

(Querist) 06 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir,
I am working in a central govt organization for the last 10 years and I have already completed 10 years of mandatory Bond period. In the July 2010 I had applied for a vacancy by my native State Govt In the Grade pay of 4200 & 4600 and that time I was in the G.P. of 4200, and had intimated to my Head of the Office about my application for the said vacancy and had requested for NOC in due course if needed, because at that stage it was not required.. But due to some accident I forgot to take any receiving from the office & now I have only a photocopy of my intimation application with date of application.
In the mean time I got transferred to another place on promotion in G.P. 4600. In the Dec.2011 the Pre-test was organized after clearance from the court against an writ against the vacancy. That time I intimated and applied for the leave for the said exam and leave for the same was granted. Again in the May 2012 the result of Pre-exam was declared and fresh online application for the mains was invited by the commission. While I was due to fill the form I again intimated about my qualification in the Pre-exam and also requested for the NOC to send it with hard copy of application as It was demanded by the commission. That time I had also intimated that I had intimated it to my previous unit, But despite of all that my application was not even forwarded to the authority to whom it was addressed and was returned to me with comment “ Your application for NOC was considered but rejected because you are already working in the Higher or same grade pay Hence it cant be forwarded to higher authority..” It was signed by the official much lower in rank than the addressee. without any dispatch number. That time I applied for the Mains Exam with an undertaking to produce NOC in due course.
In the month of Jan. 2013 the Mains exam was conducted in very short notice and that time I was on PL and after taking exam I again intimated about my mains exam with request to give NOC, but it was denied to forward the application now for the different reason. This time they demanded the detail of my application to previous place of posting. As I was having the photo copy of the application given in July 2010 to previous posting showing the date I submitted the same to office. Then they sent an querry to previous office to give the detail, but the previous office declared that they don’t have any such information.
On the basis of this now my request for forwarding the application to higher official has been turned down. It should be noted that at the time of intimation to previous office I was not lone to fill the form or to intimate there were two more people who had applied, but no one’s detail was available,
Sir, this is not the first time I have suffered. A few month ago I had applied for a post in other department and my NOC request was not forwarded in the name of having same grade pay, but another person posted at different place in same rank or G.P. was given NOC and he was selected. There is a lot of instances of denying NOC in same Grade Pay and I am having all those documentary evidence.
Now result for the Mains exam has been declared and I am finally selected. Again I have submitted an undertaking to produce the NOC in a month/before joining, But they are not forwarding my application.
What should I do? Can I resign and join my new job and claim my service benefit later on through court? What is the chances of my getting NOC as per rule? Is there any other procedure to make request for NOC or technical resignation? Please guide me to save my service period of 10 years.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 10 March 2013
Please explain problem in few words

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