Obc ncl regarding question

Querist :
(Querist) 06 February 2021
This query is : Resolved
Sir i am native of karwar, karnataka and i do have the caste certificate of obc karnataka which is also listed in Central list as OBC Bhandari 180, I was born in karnataka but boughtup in pune. I'm residing in pune, Maharashtra for more than 15 years, I have completed my school from Nursurray to 10th and 12th from Maharashtra state. My father was a cop at a post of Head Constable in Maharashtra state, he passed away in 2014 from that on we are get pension which is 18000 per month which comes under State bank of india in pune, Maharashtra, we do havewe do have some F.D in banks which get a interest of upto 4lacs.
We do have Ration card, Aadhar card, pan all documents of Maharashtra state.
Recently In 2019 i bought a land in karnataka.
My caste is only valid in karnataka but it not valid in Maharashtra therefore I stand as open in Maharashtra but with domicile certificate of Maharashtra state.
I know it's too complicated...
But please help me out with this...
Reason for Obc Ncl: For Mba Reservations under all india obc reservation.
1.Am I eligible for obc ncl as my father was head constable?
3. As our caste certificate is of karnataka state and I only have a land that too bought recently, no other documents....
Am I eligible?
2.As I have the caste certificate on karnataka but all other documents of Maharashtra state as well as domicile of Maharashtra state, where should I apply for the ncl.
Karnataka: Only obc which is listed under central Caste Certificate, birth place and a recently Bought land
Maharashtra: Domicile, Aadhar, Ration, Pan, 10+12 education, house, pension stuff, father was under Maharashtra state Police force, non obc caste valid in this state.
Help me out sir,
I know it's too way long complicated but please
K Rajasekharan
(Expert) 06 February 2021
The question itself is confusing and you are approaching the issue from the wrong end.
What you must see when you apply for a job under a particular government, a state/ central, is whether you satisfy its conditions.
Where you are born, what you have, where you have lived etc are immaterial. The only thing you must check is when you apply you have satisfied the conditions stipulated in the advertisement and associated government rules.
In cast certificate there is a relevant date but what the UPSC checks is that whether there is a change in the status of the cast within the next three months from the relevant date.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 04 June 2021
1. The OBC NCL certificate will be issued on the basis of your father's status and not on your status, hence you are eligible for non creamy layer certificate for availing the reservation facility under the said category.
3. You can apply for OBC NCL Category certificate in Karnataka state only.
2. You have been advised to apply for NCL certificate in Karnataka state and attach it with your other certificates issued by Maharashtra state.