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Personal Loan taken in my address ilegally

(Querist) 14 June 2008 This query is : Resolved 

One of my relative who is also resident of the same area where i stay has takeen Personal loan from ICICI bank and now he has defaulted the payment and now i am getting letters in his name, i was not aware of this at all. to my surprise he has taken 2 loans.

this guy nither stayed in my house nor he is legaly owner of the property. i am sole owner, i have no idea how he has takeen loan. i came to this know ony when i started applying Peronal loan and they have rejected the same, with my contact i could find out that my address is been marked in bad remark as default payment.

Please guide me how can i take action aganist bank as well aganist this person legally.
deepak kumar (Expert) 14 June 2008
you may file a criminal case against your relative, as far as the bank is concerned you may send a legal notice as to under what circumstance they sanctioned a loan without verification of the adress and asking them to suitably modify their records and thereafter you may go in for a suit demanding compensation.
arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 14 June 2008
you can give legal notice to the concerned bank stating that you have not availed any such loan in your name. Mere mentioning your name will not lead your any penal action provided you have not collutioned with your relative. Ask the bank to rectify the mistake otherwise you have every right to sue them.
Mohammad Ali (Querist) 15 June 2008
Hi Deepak and Arun,
Thanks for your reply, i am thinking of sending a legal notice to my relative as on what basis he has used my address to avail loan and will warn him about criminal well will go ICICI bank and explain my case, and will reuest for a reversal of bad remark of my adress as we are getting all our finincial products rejected. if they act well and fine if not latter will sue them.... advice me if i am on the right path... or please advice me a time and ur no so that i can speak to you personally if possible. my personal id is

Thanks once again.
deepak kumar (Expert) 15 June 2008
Mr.Ali your approach is perfectly right. It will serve you better if you approach a local lawyer after the steps you hav contemplated fail as the local lawyer will have the opportunity to give you a personal hearing but in my opinion the need will not arise.for further query you may send me a pm
Gulshan Tanwar (Expert) 08 May 2010

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