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Pls guide for next step

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 05 December 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts,

My friend inlaws filed 498-a etc on my friend not only 498 almost 18 petetions have been filed on my friends but all those petetions have been dismissed by the Hon'ble court including some of the petetions have been dismised by Honble High Court also again he filed 2 false petetions on my friend . The problem is that inspite of this chains of false allegations neither the honble magistrate have taken any action on my friends inlaw and more over he is doing sympathy on him stating that he is Party in person (He dint appointed any advocate) thats true he is PIP but filing false allegations and still some petetions are there in queque to file against my friend.

is it true that PIP have full right to misuse the law on only exception that he dont have knowledge of Law.. almost from past 5 years he filed hell numbers of false petetions pls suggest can we take any action against my friends inlaw so that infuture he should not harass again. My friends lawyer he is also saying that if PIP the law is also helpless we cant do any thing to it true. coz for every petetion my friends lawyer is getting not less than 20 k from my friend to defend the case . Pls suggest how can he get out of this Hell and his inlaw.

what are the cases we can file against that cunning bas***d inlaw who is simply playing with the law and the poor magistrate is helpless stating that he is PIP we should give fair chance... if this is the scenerio i think its better to be PIP instead of apointing the advocate.
experts pls advice how can we screw that bl***dy inlaw and to get fair justice.
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 December 2011
if false cases have been filed and those cases have been dismissed on merits make an application under section 340 Cr Pc for perjury
bhushan singh charan (Expert) 05 December 2011
ucan file suit for damage and ucan lodge criminal complain agains them for malicious prosecution.
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 December 2011
suit for damages will take 20 years to be disposed of atleast in mumbai
prabhakar singh (Expert) 05 December 2011
If you are in Mumbai My advise is that give due care to Mr.Sethi advises.
Rajeev Kumar (Expert) 05 December 2011
Agree with experts
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 05 December 2011
You can file criminal case ofr perjury and civil case of damages.
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 06 December 2011
Agreed with Mr. Sethi and Mr. Barman


Shonee Kapoor
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 06 December 2011
make an application under section 340 Cr Pc for perjury would be best.

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