(Querist) 20 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
My wife filed divorce petition in family court under section 13 1(i-a & i-b) of Hindu Marriage Act. In her main petition she has not claimed any permanent maintenance and alimony and nor she has filed any application u/s 25 of HMA act. My wife’s witness stage is now closed. Next date is fixed for my witness (respondent witnesses). I have a doubt that she will orally ask for permanent maintenance and alimony during argument stage.
My query : 1) This there any way by which I can prevent her from misusing the law. Because once my witness stage is over I would not be able to defend it on merits. Is there any misc application that I could file now requesting the court to direct her to file written application for permanent maintenance & alimony so that I am able to defend it on merits (with documentary evidences)
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 20 July 2016
Repeated query .
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 20 July 2016
Repeated query;