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Professional tax

(Querist) 05 August 2008 This query is : Resolved 
If company has a Registered Head Office in one state with branch offices in other states, the salary is processed from HO, where does the Professional tax needs to be paid i.e. should it be calcualted as per the state in which salry is processed or as per state where the employee in working. email me on
Jatin (Querist) 05 August 2008
Guest (Expert) 05 August 2008
Since the employment is with the HO where it is registered under the PT, then no matter where the employee works in India, it has to paid in the registered state only.

One more thing in not clear. Where from does that employee get his salary. From the respective state office or Head office. If HO then as said above, if state office, then you have register the branch and pay tax in the state.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 06 August 2008
Yes as my frined said the taxes are to be paid at the state where the registered office is situtated but if you have a benefit you can show that the tax is paid at the state where BO is situated and claim exempution.
Murali Krishna (Expert) 07 August 2008
Professional tax is a tax levied by states. It is state's income. The rates also differ from state to state. Depending of the place of work, PT has to be deducted and remitted to that particular state.

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