kunhi marakkar
(Querist) 07 May 2015
This query is : Resolved
30% of my debts is due to Mr A.20% of debts is due to Mr B and50% is due to Mr C Now one of them or all of them go to civil court to recover my property , will court divide my property same ratio? Or will court decide on priority basis? Deal with Mr A was on 2000 ,with Mr C on1998 and Mr B on 2004 What will criteria in front of court?
(Expert) 08 May 2015
UR query is still a presumption and has not yet transpired into a legal suit.Instead of thinking about ratios why don't U settle the matter outside the court or else engage an able civil advocate and fight the suit if filed.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 08 May 2015
Classroom query, consult your teacher.
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