Reg bank related issue
(Querist) 10 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear Members,
I was woking in a Psu bank and now selected for a central govt job,in bank my designation was officer and so i have recommended some loans,although i had taken full care while processing loan documents but still in loans section no one is perfect and there may be some mistakes made by me while doing loans.
Now as i have left the job due to selection in central govt i want to know that will any mistakes pointed out by the authority later on in papers, can this create problems for me in my present job in my future.
one thing i want to say that at the time of joining the bank i used my full name as signature but in banking work i used to put only my initials as my signature and while recommending loans.
pls do guide us regarding this.
Thanking You.
(Expert) 10 July 2016
Yours is purely an hypothetical academic query. Presently you don't have any problem to face. So, hypothetical issues have no lawful answers. Come forward, only any such problem actually arises that too with full facts of the case.
(Querist) 10 July 2016
i know i m asking a hypothetical query but if situation arises can my present job be affected even after my resignation from the bank.
And sir,do reply to my second point regarding my signature at the time of joining and in officials papers.
Thanking You.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 10 July 2016
Hypothetical question.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 July 2016
Until or unless there are some issues pointed to you in writing, you have no issues on your hands.
adv.bharat @ PUNE
(Expert) 10 July 2016
Hypothetical query can't be properly answered.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 10 July 2016
for hypothetical query better meet astrologer.
come to this forum with specific facts and specific problem.
(Expert) 10 July 2016
Ask only when situation arises. Can you anticipate with surety what type of situation would arise later in your service or life?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 11 July 2016
"i want to know that will any mistakes pointed out by the authority later on in papers, can this create problems for me in my present job in my future."
certainly YES
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 11 July 2016
"i want to say that at the time of joining the bank i used my full name as signature but in banking work i used to put only my initials as my signature and while recommending loans. "
So was you intention ab-initio malafide so that you can feign that your signatures are forged and you did not process the file.
(Expert) 11 July 2016
Intention seems so, as per doubt of Mr. Sudhir Kumar!
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 11 July 2016
The digital signatures of employees/signatories are duly recorded by the bank.............
e.g. for Bank DD etc.
If you signed other than the signatures on record then it is surprising how can in regular banking work it was approved/accepted by bank/bankers.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 11 July 2016
If you have been relieved from the service, in general there would be no problem till any intentional fraudulent activity / misappropriation / any criminal activity / fraud / reveal of fake borrower etc. is suspected in documents / otherwise. Procedural irregularity may not trouble you.
Difference of signature may be troublesome if is a part of / done in such activity.
(Expert) 11 July 2016
If u had fraudulent intension to pass loan ignoring rules n investigation is conducted,it is possible. U may be called for enquiry. However if found to be involved
Law will take own course, otherwise not.