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Request question paper under rti act

(Querist) 31 October 2016 This query is : Resolved 
In the process of recruitment to the post of stenographers, the central government has conducted skill test. The description of skill test is such that the candidates have to take dictation in shorthand a text passage of 800 words in English language at 80 words per minute for 10 minutes and after taking down dictation, it should be transcribed into longhand on computer. The dictation is presented by playing a pre-recorded Audio CD through a Speaker of public address system in a closed room.

As the number of candidates is large, the Recruiting Agency conduncted in 36 batches, each batch containing about 40 candidates in a room. After conducting the examination, the copies of the Question paper containing the Text of the dictated passasge and the CD are not given to the candidadtes nor placed in the website for the information of the candidates. The Dictated passage and the audio CD have been kept without disclosing to the public view and listening.

Thinking that the public has a right to get to the access of the question paper of a public examination, after the examination is conducted, I requested a copies of the Audio CDs and the related Text passages of the skill test of all the batches, under RTI Act.

The Recruiting Agency replied that the Audio CDs and the relevant text passages of all the batches cannot be supplied except pertaining to a particular batch subject to the availability.

My question is as a citizen of India, do I not have a right to the access of all the audio CDs with relevant text passages? The question papers containing the audio CDs with relevant text passages of a single examination although conducted in different batches become a public document and every citizen has a right to its access.

Kindly advise me how to get copies of all the CDs & Texts (Question paper).
Kuummaar AS (Expert) 31 October 2016


"I requested a copies of the Audio CDs and the related Text passages of the skill test of all the batches, under RTI Act."

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 31 October 2016
You can file first appeal of the RTI to the first appellate authority.
Kuummaar AS (Expert) 31 October 2016
In case demand under RTI is not made smartly,
First appeal may not be of much help.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 01 November 2016
Discuss with a local lawyer for proper analysis and guidance.
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Expert) 01 November 2016
Make first appeal to appellate authority.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 01 November 2016
Can consult local RTI activist to guide you in the matter.

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