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Separate ration card from father

(Querist) 25 September 2012 This query is : Resolved 
My father is not giving me the Ration Card so that I can arrange for the deletion of my name & have a separate card of my own. I had made a complaint too in Police Station where I was advised by the Policeman that it can be done without NOC. But the Ration card officer asks for NOC which my father is not providing.

Please advice how to get my ration card in such a case.
Tajobsindia (Expert) 12 October 2012
As per Law to get seperate ration card for yourself you should understand the Rules which are;

"Household" means a family unit living together in "one building or portion of the building" held in possession of any member of the family as resident and maintaining a common kitchen and includes person so living together, whether or not dependent on the holder of the HCC.

Accordingly, you as a person living with your father can get a separate consumer card only if "you establishes that you have a separate kitchen".

For the same following are standard requirements;

- 3 passport size photographs of head of family (which is you in reference to context) attested by a gazetted officer / MLA / MP / Municipal Councillor.

- Proof of residence - in case of owner, Registration Deed, Allotment Letter, Power of Attorney, Electricity Bill / Water Bill / House Tax Receipt etc.

- In case of tenant, NOC of landlord or any other relevant document such as registered Rent Agreement.

- An Affidavit stating establishment of seperate Kitchen by you.

[HCC = Household Consumer Card]

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