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Share of property as per muslim personal law for sunni's

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 July 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Hello All ,

I need a legal advice about how the property would be distributed among the below family members.

A(Deceased Mother) has a house worth (1Crore) to be distributed among the later generation , and she did not left any will.
A has one son "S1" and 3 daughers "D1 , D2 , D3".
Son S1 is also deceased (after his mother A) her wife "W" has two daughters "WD1" , WD2"
D1 has one Son - "D1S1"
D2 has one daughter - "D2D1"
D3 has two son and one daughter - "D3S1" , "D3S2" , "D3D1"

What will be the share of each individual in percentage ?
What is the maximum share wife W along with her two daughters WD1 , WD2 can claim assuming they are the same party.

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