Shop & establishment act delhi
(Querist) 26 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
Hi Friends....
One of my friend wants to start a business and he will operate from his home. For the purpose of opening a current account he requires Shop & Establishment Registration certificate. In this regard, my queries are:
1. Will he have to take a Commercial Electricity connection for or after the registration.
2. Please also tell if any other Statutory requirement i.e. books/Accounts, he will be required to prepare because of registration under Shops & Establishment Act.
3. Any other material statutory obligation, as per your view?
Thanks in Advance
Kushal Kumar
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 26 March 2013
1. Yes.
2. Registers of sale/purchase, bil book, ledge, journal, employees record and all other statutory required licenses for the business are to be kept there.
3. Obtain advice of local labour Inspector.