Spelling mistake in my surname in ssc
(Querist) 24 July 2012
This query is : Resolved
In my 10th Class Certificate there is a small mistake in my surname.One letter was printed wrongly.For ex AAAAAAAAAA is my surname then its printed as AAAAAAABAA.In my 12th and B.Tech the misspelt B in surname was not present.Now in my Passport they have taken it as per SSC and I got my Pancard based on my Passport.Now all my Experience certificates of my previous Companies also given the name based on Passport.But in my Passport my father surname is printed same as my misspelt surname. Even I got a European Visa and Residence Permit card also based on the same name.I know that my surname is printed wrongly in SSC but i didnt expected that Passport will be issued based on SSC certificate and also at that time I thought Only one letter is printed wrongly.
Now If I want to change that could you please tell me the procedure.Also will it create any problems when we purchase any land or house where we may give our surname since there will be a slight phonetical difference between my surname and my father surname.
Suppose if I don't change it then in future the same name will continue for my children also in future.All these days I was not blocked with this misspelt name i really didnt concentrate much on this with priority.Could you please give an expert advice on this so that I can take correct decision.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 24 July 2012
since the mistake is of only one letter in your name dont take the effort of changing your name . as it is it is years since ou have clared your SSC . if at all you wanted the changes you ought to have done it at time of issunace of your SSC school leaving certifcate .
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 24 July 2012
I agree with Mr.Ajay. At this stage there it is very cumbersome to start with the procedure. How it will affect your children's surname? You can write correct spelling while registering their surname in any records. It need not be with the same spelling for you and for your children.
(Querist) 24 July 2012
Thanks for your reply and advice.Its been 12 years since I cleared my SSC.It may be a Cumbersome process to change name.I have couple of more questions.
1.As you said we can register the children Surname correctly.But when we take a Passport for a Kid then while entering their surname is it possible to enter correct surname because in my passport the surname is one letter different from the original.So will it be accepted?
2.As of now I am not married.So after marriage we have to take marriage certificate.I am not sure whether in marriage they will mention Surname or not.If so they mention then which surname I have to give.The correct one or the misspelt one which has on my passport.
3.As of now I have not taken Aadhar card in India.Again I am not sure whether surname will be present in it or not.If so which one I have to mention.
My intention is that no problems should come in future because of that misspelt word.
M V Gupta
(Expert) 27 July 2012
The mistake is of a minor nature. If any question arises at any time, you can explain by an affidavit the inadvertent mistake that took place in your SSC certificate.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 30 July 2012
1. Yes, if any objection raised, support it by affidavit.
2. Give correct surname while registering the marriage.
3. In Adhar Card also you give correct surname.
If you wish to avoid any problems, you continue your surname as appeared in SSC in all occasions. That is the best solution.