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Stay order on ancestral land to prevent the Selling

(Querist) 11 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hi sir, my grandfather is 90 year old and some how my uncle convinced him to sale some part of our ancestral land and he is not ready to give us any thing of it.
Now once again he is trying to convince my grandfather to sale it.
So I want to take a stay order on whole land to prevent to sale it.
One more thing, this land is still undivided/unseprated among my grandfather and his tow brother. So it's how is possible to sale joint land by one sharer of his part.
And is it possible to take a stay order only on the land which using by my grandfather without separating from his other tow brother on the paper.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 11 July 2016
You seem to be sure that the land was owned by your great grandfather.

You have also posted that it is undivided.

In that case each Co-sharer can ask to partition.

In case of foul play court may be approached for Injunction and partition.

Approach a very able counsel specializing in such/revenue/property/civil matters with all docs on record and to obtain considered opinion.

R.K Nanda (Expert) 11 July 2016
Consult local lawyer.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 11 July 2016
Without knowing full details, referring all related documents nothing can be advised. Discuss with local lawyer.
Rana singh (Querist) 11 July 2016
Sir, mutualy all of us using our land for farming as per our share.
And I want to take a stay order on that particular land which is using by me and my uncle. Without dragging two brothers of my grandfather.
So can I do it.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 12 July 2016
All related documents need to be referred, please consult local lawyer.

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