Querist :
(Querist) 26 May 2010
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I have hired office in city area from one Mr. A in 2001. Mr. A was tenant not owner. Mr. A hide that he want tenant. Now trustee of office filed case against Mr. A to vacate office and court has gave temporary order to seal office. As a sub-tenant, What rights I have ? During last 8 years I four agreement of leave and license. since last two year Mr. A is not issueing / renewing leave-license agreements for 11 months. Can I request court to give me some time to vacant and find some new place. Mr. A take Rs.2000/- p.m from and paid Rs.30/- trustee as rent. He has not paid Rent for last three years. Pl suggest remeady at earliest.
Prakash Yedhula
(Expert) 26 May 2010
A sub tenant has no right when his occupancy is not recognized by the landlord. Any order of eviction passed against the tenant would bind the sub-tenant. However, you can seek time to hand over possession with the landlord, and file a compromise memo in the court, provided the chief tenant too agrees. In case, the chief tenant wants to contest the eviction proceedings, then it is better you vacate and hand over possession to him and get rid of the menace.