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Tenant not paying rent nor returning possession

(Querist) 10 January 2023 This query is : Resolved 
Iam a senior citizen and rent out a flat in ahmedabad with a leave licence agreement. My agreement has expired on 24 August 2022 but the tenat is not surrendering the possession and he has not paid rent since April 2022.ihave issued legal notice through lawyer but in vain. When I vist him his behaviour is very rude and does not cooperate. Please guide me to get back my property at the earliest as that is the main source my livilihood.
Thanks in advance
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 10 January 2023
File eviction suit in court.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 11 January 2023
Yes, file suit for possession of flat on ground of expiry of period of leave and licence agreement and also claim mesne profits for use and occupation of flat after expiry of period of leave anf licence agreement.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 12 January 2023
file eviction petition in court to get tenanted premises vacated.
Asgher Mahdi (Expert) 13 January 2023
After, issued of Legal Notice you have not much emphasis the contents of it, please brief up. The next question arise out is what is the reaction of your advocate who caused that notice? Whether, would you like to contest the case independently without lawyer? if that being the case, the forum may help you out by knowing more details. Let us know, your decision, then only the able advice may be provided.
P. Venu (Expert) 19 January 2023
Yes, file a petition for eviction. Non-payment of rent is sufficient cause for seeking eviction.

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