Trust deed - certain doubts - clarification - request - reg
(Querist) 02 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
Respected Sirs/madams
I have started a trust as a founder with a corpus fund of Rs.10,116/- to give shcolarship to x class student who stood first in exams, and sathamanams to poor girls at the time of their marriage. I executed the trust deed and it was registered under Registrtion Act in Registrar office.I have appointed trustees. At the time of filing for exemption under 12-A and 88(G) of incometax, it requires the signatures of all the trustees. But two of the trustees are out of india. so i want to change the two trustees with another and to register the same by way of Amendment. so please advise me in this matter with full details for which i greatful to your honour.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 02 September 2012
pass reoslution for change in trustees
under bombay PUblic trust act
The following documents are also required to be submitted along with the schedule III or schedule III A, as the case may be, in respective circumstances:
a) In case of change in trustees the resolution appointing the new trustee and consent letter from the new trustee should be filed along with schedule III.
b) In case of deletion of the name of any trustee,
(i) the letter of resignation and resolution accepting resignation or
(ii) certified copy of death certificate or any other relevant documentary evidence, should be filed along with schedule III.
c) If change is in respect of any immovable property then all the documents relating to title of the property should be filed along with schedule III A.
By filing schedule III & schedule III A, trustees duties do not get over. After filing the change report, it should be accepted by the Deputy or Assistant Charity Commissioner. For this the Deputy or
Assistant Charity Commissioner may hold an inquiry before recording any change in the Register of Public Trust i.e. schedule I. After holding such an inquiry, if he is satisfied, the changes are recorded in the Register of Public Trust i.e. schedule I is amended.