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Village talati has created forged land house tax receipts

(Querist) 14 December 2017 This query is : Open 
Respected Sir,

As the village talati has issued forged house tax receipt and sarpanch has issued gram panchayat dakhla (showing four side location in dakhla) to land grabbers and now they want to grab our plot on the basis of forged documents.

We have done RTI application for getting true copy of house tax, true copy of gram panchayat dakhla, and on what basis the house tax receipt issued (proof of land purchase deed, land map etc.) against talati but talati did not gave the details after 45 days. We done first appeal to Taluka Vikas Adhikari (DDO) and the DDO has order talati to provide the details in 10 days. After 6 days the talati provided us the true copy of house tax receipt and tax collected register but he didnt gave us the on which basis (proof) for issuing house tax receipt. The talati is now declaring that all details are given to you and no details are pending from me to provide further.

The talati has closed relations with taluka panchayat employees and they are supporting talati. The police is also supporting land grabbers and talati. The talati has created information after our RTI application which the details were not available at the time of RTI. Now, I want to know where to file complaint against talati and taluka vikas adhikari in this matter ?? If Police not registering our FIR then can we register FIR direct in the court ??

Now, regarding RTI If we file second appeal will GIC (Gujarat Information Commission) force to talati to provide details or will the GIC take action against talati and DDO ? What information should I ask in second appeal of RTI ? How to proove that the given information is created ??

Where to complain higher authority against talati, ddo and land grabbers ?

Please guide

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