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what is lok adalat and how to approach them for settlement of a land issue

(Querist) 02 February 2009 This query is : Resolved 

can anyone tell me the procedure for approaching lokadalat in visakhapatnam,andhra settle my property issue...whom to meet to file a case with lokadalat...
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 02 February 2009

Anyone, or more of the parties to a dispute can move an application to the court where their matter may be pending, or even at pre-litigative stage, for such matter being taken up in the Lok Adalat whereupon the Lok Adalat Bench constituted for the purpose shall attempt to resolve the dispute by helping the parties to arrive at an amicable solution and once it is successful in doing so, the award passed by it shall be final which has as much force as a decree of a Civil Court obtained after due contest.

sanjeev desai
Shilpa Rani (Querist) 02 February 2009
how to approach lot it must to file the case with court first before you go before lokadalat...whom to contact to file case in lokadalat
Sushil Kumar Bhatia (Expert) 02 February 2009
Mr sanjeev has given right suggestion Lok adalat is not a court where a case will be filed The suit will be instituted in competent court of civil jurisdiction and during the pendency of case if all concerned parties agreed to list the case in lok adalat the civil court will refer the case to lok adalat as such It is advise to you first to file civil suit in the proper court.
Ravi Arora (Expert) 02 February 2009
Agreed with both tha Learned brothers
smilingadvocate (Expert) 02 February 2009
First you approach the concerned District Lok Adalat Secretary of your distict i.e. Vishaapatnam, who will be mostly in al court the Senior Civil Judge, will be the Secretary of your district i.e. District Legal Service Committee. If you want to file your case you can approach the HOn'ble High Court legal services authority also by sending all the papers alongwith the letter and also there are Pre Litigation Cases entertained by all the courts kindly check whether is there any such provision with the District Legal Services Authority, at Vishakapatnam.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 02 February 2009
Dear Shilpa Rani,

Smiling advocate view is correct you may you can follow the same

sanjeev desai
Shilpa Rani (Querist) 02 February 2009
Hello Sirs

Thank you everyone for their answers for my queries...can anyone tell me How long it will take to get the notice from the court to attend the lokadalat office to settle my case....other party(my own Kin) has been telling me that their lawyer has filed a case with concerned court and has been pushing hard to get the notice ASAP that our case will be resolved before lokadalat amicably...This is what the other party is telling me from 15 days.Can i believe this? can this be true?...if this much time nearly it may take for court to issue notice to attend me the lokadalat office for solution...please advice the time frame..
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 02 February 2009
well u once the notice is served, u may get the matter resolved on the very first day of appearance....all depends upon the intentions of the litigating parties :-)
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 03 February 2009
I do agree with my Ld. Friend Mr. Kiran Kumar
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 04 February 2009
I agree with what my learned friends have stated.
Shilpa Rani (Querist) 07 February 2009
Hello Sirs

Myself and other party want to settle our case in Lokadalat...for that the other party filed a case in court and requesting them to refer to queries are:
1.A reputed lawyer of other party filed a case and told me that i will get notice to attend lok adalat very has been one month till now...i am waiting anxiously for the notice to get my case solved. can anyone tell me how many days it will take for a court in visakahaptnam ,AP will take to refer my case to lok adalat and when will i get notice to attend lok adalat.
2.Is there any period for lokadalt to conduct.
3.what should i do if i want to speed up mycase to be resolved through lok adalat
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 09 February 2009
in my opinion no matter can be reffered to Lok Adalat without the consent of both the parties.

even if it is reffered, Lok Adalat can not force any decision upon u...Lok Adalat is nothing but a mediation centre, where the parties are given assistance to get the matter resolved mutually without following the complex procedure of law.

Lok Adalat never decides nor they have any jurisdiction to do so...u may not attend the Lok Adalat proceedings, it wont invite either exparte order or contempt of court.

but once to agree upon an issue in Lok Adalat and sign the agreement then that will be binding upon u and will be non appelable also unless illegal or is an outcome of fraud.

pls approach some local lawyer who can guide u efficaciously.
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 23 February 2009
you need to resolve the land property issue with lokAdalat...then congratulations...go ahead and be happy.
in your case you need to consult the secretary, district legal service authority in district courts complex.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 28 February 2010
I agree with the above views

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