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What should be next ste p ?

(Querist) 04 May 2012 This query is : Resolved 
HC Order +University Order : attached as attached as hc+order.pdf.

Comtempt Judgement :
Learned counsel further submits that there is no legal impediment as
pointed out by the opposite party. He also submits that the letter issued
by the University dated 19.01.2011 has been manipulated by
mentioning the date as 19.01.2012. He continue to argue by mentioning
that the petitioner has successfully qualified the third semester.
On the other hand, Sri Lalit Shukla, learned Additional Chief Standing
Counsel submits that the petitioner has failed in second semester and
he was not entitled to appear in third semester. However, the college
has wrongly allowed to the petitioner to appear in third semester against
the Rules, so there is legal impediment.
After hearing both the parties, it appears that controversy involved is a
disputed question of fact which can be solved by the writ court. Liberty is
given to the petitioner to approach the writ court for this purpose. But,
presently no contempt exists.
Accordingly, the contempt petition is dismissed.

Kindly suggest what we must do further and as per you how much time is req. yo get uncompleted degree ??


Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 05 May 2012
Who are you in this case?


Shonee Kapoor

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