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What the role of complainant to settlement in lokadalat

(Querist) 24 June 2020 This query is : Resolved 
want to know what complainant will do to make settlement in lok adalat
he said to settle case .
if any affidavit or application or what else ? he will have to make or it is not his duty or it is a part of defense ?
what is the procedure ? in lok adalat to make settlement
& what is defense role ?
1 who will initiate in lok adalat ?
2 both parties ? & at the same time ?
3 or defense will have to take first step ?
complainant said he will make settlement but how can i know he is making or not ?
Guest (Expert) 24 June 2020
Role of Lok Adalat is Settling the matters by way of compromise by mutual agreement. Only the Parties interested in settling the matters by mutual agreement would have an purpose in Lok Adalat.. Though the Advocates would be present in Lok Adalat the main role would be only of the concerned Parties.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 24 June 2020
What is your problem in Lok Adalat?

Have you engaged your lawyer in the ongoing matter?

What is the opinion of your lawyer?

What are the mutually agreed terms of the agreement/settlement?

What is the dispute?

Come with the actual facts.
sonia sharma (Querist) 24 June 2020
befor 3 month when met to complainant he said i will do settlement
during lok down when called he said i m busy (essential service )
1st week of june he said will settle it & today is 24 june he is not taking our call
he hardly met so i think we should prepare necessary papers if u tell

sonia sharma (Querist) 25 June 2020
क्या करे
हमें इससे पहले वकील साब ने कहा था की में करवा दूंगा (लेकिन हमने सोचा पहले खुद ही कोशिश करते मनाते है उसको )तो फिर वकील के द्वारा उसको राजी करने का प्रयास करना पड़ेगा चालान पेश
होने से पहले नहीं तो ट्रायल चलेगा और सजा भी हो सकती है
तो क्या अब किसी और के बजाय सीधे ही वकील साब को बोल दूँ की आप try करो

Guest (Expert) 25 June 2020
Discuss with your Advocate and strongly proceed with your Case. If the Party is not willing to attend Lok Adalat he can not be forced legally.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 25 June 2020
What is the complaint/ contents of FIR and your concern ?
Which court the case is pending ?
Are you willing to settle the matter amicably ?
You have not provided any relevant information. It is better to consult your lawyer.
sonia sharma (Querist) 25 June 2020
Case is pending in MM court
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 June 2020
This is continuation of your old post on the same issue. One more similar post is also going on on the same facts in anonymous name.

You have amply been advised time and again by the experts. If complainant is not ready to make compromise/settlement, try it through your lawyer as you desire irrespective of the its outcome.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 June 2020
An offence not compoundable under the law shall not be settled in Lok Adalat.

It is better to discuss in detail with your lawyer. He is the proper person to guide you properly as he is aware of full facts.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 June 2020
When complainant himself is not ready for settlement then subsequent question do not arise.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 June 2020
If complainant is ready, legal requirement need to be taken care of, their lawyer is the proper person to guide in such case.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 June 2020
Author is ahead of his lawyer as he never mentioned the opinion of his lawyer in any of his postings on the same subject.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 June 2020
It seems he is posting query to have second opinion after discussing with / guidance from his lawyer.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 June 2020
This is not his second or third or fourth rather hundredth of opinion. Let him decide now with free mind.
sonia sharma (Querist) 26 June 2020
author has no lawyer
finding a good lawyer is very very very difficult
talk was suggested by lawyer to him
n here u said no this will not work
& ur reply is right n easy to understand
thank you
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 June 2020

There are always good lawyers. Take help of friends and relatives to have find / contact.

Lawyers are not salaried employees; charges are necessary but still it is comparable with the earning from other profession.

Services of lawyer is necessary to protect the interest of accused when some criminal case is pending
Guest (Expert) 26 June 2020
There are Excellent Learned Advocates -- Seniors -- in Supreme Court who would charge Rs 25 Lacs per hearing .This is Advocates place to guide you Honorarily and Not the place for you to Post your Filthy Comments. about Learned Advocates.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 June 2020
As the author has always obtained bail from the court so it can easily be inferred that he has already engaged a lawyer in the pending criminal case and if he is not satisfied with the service so his lawyer, he may engage another lawyer.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 June 2020
Even if he has engaged the services of a lawyer, he is welcome if he post any question on the query.

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