Whether i should join or leave the course in between??

Querist :
(Querist) 13 November 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I am working as Regular post of Physiotherapist in Central Govt Hospital of New Delhi..and after 5 years of regular service, I applied for study leave..The authorities didnot respond me..Believing in good faith, I enrolled myself for P.G studies in differnt location( I.e A.P) and went there for persual of studies.Initally I applied for 3 months leave and thereafter, I send letter every month for the extension of leave.Meanwhile the authorites treid to conatct me by their letters which was returned as my premises were closed and now my course is left for 6 months and my employer has published a notification to join duty within 15 days and in case of failure, the termination process will start..
Now I am in dileema I cannot leave the course in between and join the duty as its is left for 6 months..?
If I join, the employer will also serve me the memo seeking the explantion and I will also covered under disciplinary proceedings..?
Whether termination will leads to bar an entry into further Govt Job prospects..?

(Expert) 13 November 2011
On joining duty you are destined to get a major penalty charge sheet for the indiscipline of unauthorised absence, which of course would get proved. On proof of the charge against you, most likely order of dismissal from service would be issued.
If you leave PG course in between to join service, neither you would be able to complete your course, nor save your service. The only thing your disciplinary authority can do is to issue you a charge sheet in absentia, which would also get returned from your locked house. The disciplinary authority can appoint an Inquiry Authority to inquire in to that case, who will also have to observe somewhat long process before he can jold inquiry proceedings ex-parte. All this process is likely to take more than 6 months, within which you can complete your PG without getting in to tension of attending service and inquiry proceedings etc.
In between, you can keep watch over the developments and when you see some unusual step likely to be taken by your department, forgetting about your past service of 5 years, you should submit 24 hours resignation notice before even issue of Charge Sheet. That process may save you from dismissal and a stigma on your career and also future course to join some higher post.

Querist :
(Querist) 13 November 2011
They had already made the publication of notification to join the duty within 15 days otherwise termination will starts..
Please help in this regard