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Writing an apology now i have a concern for my future being

Guest (Querist) 25 November 2021 This query is : Resolved 
I have written an apology letter in the police station, for sending a message to the foreign lady for my concern with the relationship as I thought he (the person I am with cheating on me) I send Hey message and what going with you two, I never hide my identity nor abuse her I simply ask my concern to her she never response instead file a complaint against me as a fake account. In the process, I do make another account but never misused it but the lady used another account and use my pictures as evidence of a fake account but it was not.
Even though I send her a message asking what going on for that I write an apology
I admit my mistake sending a message for concern and relationship but now I m concerned for my future can this apology letter haunt me for life as I want to apply for govt job and a passport I don't know I am scared for my future.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 26 November 2021
already replied. repeated query.

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