What is clone of electronic record under section 207 crpc. what is the contents of memory card under section 207 crpc. kindly provide related judgements.
Kapil Kothari 04 September 2022
What is clone of electronic record under section 207 crpc. what is the contents of memory card under section 207 crpc. kindly provide related judgements.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 04 September 2022
Memory cards is also a document, and the evidence act says all documents including electronic records are evidence. But what acrually do yoiu wiah the forum to help you with Section 207 CrPc?
P. Venu (Advocate) 04 September 2022
What are the facts? What is the context?
Kapil Kothari 04 September 2022
I agree with learned advocates, but in case of bribe prosecution provide transcriptt, recorded during trap. The prosecution not provide clone copy of electronic records, which is forensic image, and court says prosecution provided transcriptt, which is contents of memory card.