There are 6 SADISTS who are CONVICTED in 498-A case in LOWER COURT. These 6 sadists appealed in Dist/Sessions court, but one of these convicted persons is not attending court and filing absent petitions with wrong reasons. He absconded to some other country. He was absconded several times to some other countries while case was in lower court also and NBW was also issued earlier and later recalled it and attended the court for few main hearing dates only. So, there is no change in him and doing the same CUNNING stuff without any respect to court system. How to initiate bail cancellation on this person who is already convicted in lower court? Victim girl does not have any proof to show that he is absconded to some other country, but it's crystal clear that he is doing the same non-sense business like earlier. Please guide the procedure to bring this sadist to court and send him to JAIL without recalling NBW.