All Acts
The following file single contains
Boilers Act 1923, Bounded labour system 1976, Child labour (R and A)Act 1986
Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers Act 1981, Contract Labour Act 1970, Epf Act 1952, ESIc Act 1948,
Equal Remuneration Act 1976, Factories Act 1948, I.D Act 1947, Industrial Employment (standing order) Act 1946
Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Motor Transport workers Act 1961, Payment of bonus Act 1965,
Payment of Gratunity Act 1972, Payment os Wages Act 1972, Sales promotion Employees Act 1976,
The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regualtion of emp.and condition of ser.)Act 1996,
The building and other const. workers Cess Act 1996
The Employement exchange act 1959, The plantations labour act 1951, Working jounalists and other newspapers Employees(condition of servie and mis pro.0)Act 1959
Workmean compensation Act 1923