I need allahabad high court judgement for fighting 125 and DV case. Any favourable judgement will be more than appreciateed .Situatio of the case is as follows:
facts of the case
Wife : Educated and have professional courses/ Deserted without a reason/ have
kid 1.5 years/RCR is pending at my place
See below for details.
I have judgements from other courts but allahabad high court judgement in the
tune of following will be helpful
1. Desertion
2. Wife educated working earlier decapacitated herself (on paper) now - make an
excuse like a small kid as of she cares
3. I lost job because of cases and need to travel every now and than for cases
4. Parents living seperatly have been implicated in DV (her application itself
kind of give the clue that parents were living seperatly)
any help will be more than appreciated. I have lot of pressure to compromise
from every side. But I dont trust them and my kids future is being jeopardized.
The judge might be under their local influence.